Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Bridal party attire!

We finally have a Bridesmaid dress! I'm just waiting for everyone's info to place the order.

These are Ann Taylor silk dupioni dresses, and with a coupon code, are incredibly affordable (I'm even getting one for myself!)
Pink for the maids (and Mom and I are making navy sashes for them to wear instead of the removable pink one)

And navy for my Maid of Honor, who will wear one of the pink sashes from the pink dresses.

I'm also almost ready to start making 75 Save The Date (STD) cards. I have to do some final sizing on the details text, and somehow come up with an ink jet printer to print on vellum. (which means I'll either go visit my parents, or Clint will bring his printer when he visits).

Finally, our wedding website is kind of up and running (it contains a list of our registries, the event time/place, and a partial list of the wedding party, with possible name misspellings (my fault)). There's a password, so email me if you'd like it.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Various photos

I am very late about posting these- so sorry! Moving and starting a new job in a new city is a little more confusing than I thought.

First, I had my hair and makeup trials at the beginning of February, the day after I bought my wedding dress (no pictures of that here, though, sorry!)

The makeup is a bit orange-y, but I love the eyes.

The hair, however, is beyond perfect. I also brought the nearly-done veil to the trial.

That weekend, we also had cake tasting with Harvest Bakery (in Simsbury) cake, and went to an open house at the Pond House in West Hartford. I really liked the cakes and fillings at the Pond House, but not so much the frosting. I really liked the frosting from Harvest Bakery, but while the cake had good flavor, it was rather dry, and the frosting:cake ratio was off. However, we chalked that up to cupcakes not being accurate representations of cakes.

Harvest Bakery cupcakes:

Somewhere in the mix are: red velvet with cream cheese frosting, vanilla cake with lemon curd and vanilla frosting, vanilla cake with lemon mousse filling and vanilla buttercream frosting, carrot cake with cream cheese frosting, and lemon cake with raspberry mousse filling and vanilla buttercream frosting.

Vanilla with lemon curd and vanilla buttercream:
And carrot cake with cream cheese frosting:

In other news:
our registries are about done (still haven't done Lux Bond and Green, but we'll do that on Easter weekend. it won't take too long). We're still deciding on a caterer, and waiting now for some proposals from them all, before we make the big decision.
I'll start working on the STDs very soon, and pretty much everything else is being decided. We'll do a lot of Easter Saturday, or perhaps the Sunday of the next weekend, since I'll be home for something Friday and Saturday.