Tuesday, December 9, 2008

2 Registries down, 3 to go!

After reading a discussion online about how only very greedy people make registries, stated by people with holier-than-thou attitudes that are registering at charities because they don't need the material items the rest of us soulless people need, I got my Simon Pearce registry. And um, we went a bit overboard.

However, I (and others) view a registry as a wish-list. A suggestion, if you will, for those that want to buy gifts, full of things I can and will use often in my new life as a married. I will faint if I actually receive everything on the list. I am not being greedy, I am pointing out things I'd love to have. And you can always donate to charity in lieu of favors, or through your registry on theweddingchannel.com.

And ugh, I will definitely not put anything I (or Clint) am not dying to have, because I know exactly what it's like to live in a home smaller than your possessions.

In case anyone's interested:
Simon Pearce registry
(beware- aside from the dinnerware, this registry is close to a beyond-my-wildest-dreams wishlist)
Williams Sonoma registry
(and type in my name)

We still have Lux Bond & Green (for fine china, and some duplicate Simon Pearce stuff, like place settings and bread plates), Crate & Barrel (everyday stemware, some kitchen/casual entertaining items) and Macy's (linens, duplicates of the fine china- again, place settings, etc, and a George Forman.)

note: the dates on the registries are not accurate. WS date is our engagement, SP date is a wedding date option. I'll definitely post the official date, once we have it.

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